Dhammavijjalaya Centre for Buddhist Studies (Study center)

by Samaneri Uppalavanna Theri


Dhammavijjalaya Centre for Buddhist Studies
Mahasubodhayon Monastery, Sagaing Hills Road, Sagaing, Myanmar.
Tel: 0095-72-21311


Sayadaw Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa. The Ven. is an outstanding Pali and Abhidhamma scholar and excellent specialist on Tiptaka. He is considered a world specialist in the field of Buddhist studies.


The center for Buddhist studies, which is currently under construction, is directly behind the monastery of the Ven. Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa in a very quiet  setting, surrounded by pagodas and few monasteries.

Primary goal of the center is to offer foreigners a quiet spot for (individual) studies of Pali writings (Tipitaka) and the practice of the learned.

There will be simple but functional quarters with bath and toilet. The center is currently building up a library with a large spectrum of Buddhist literature for reference. On demand, Sayadaw Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa will organise lessons in Suttas, Pali, Abhidhamma and adjoining commentaries.

The center will also support research for dissertations in the field of Buddhist studies. Those interested can call Sayadaw directly (telephone see above).

The second goal of the center is to publish essential summaries of Suttas or individual aspects of the Dhamma as brochures in several languages and make it available to Buddhist groups in the West. This includes the translation of known texts on demand.


Abhidhamma, Pali, Suttas, the entire spectrum of Buddhist studies.


Anytime depending on demand.


10 minutes from town center (Sagaing) and the shopping district. Around the center, which is quietly situated between three other monasteries, there are many pagodas. The center is very green with fruit trees and organic vegetable subsistence farming.


Sagaing in Central Burma has rather extreme temperatures. March, April and May are not recommended because temperatures can be 40 °C and higher. From June, it is monsoon. However, it is moderate. It lasts until about September. Best time to go, when it is dry and cool, is between mid-October and mid-February. Then you will definitely need a jacket in the evenings.


Quarters can be built only after sufficient financial support has been raised. There are plans for a building with single rooms (including bath and toilet) on the ground floor and a hall for lessons and lectures above. Currently lodging can be arranged on demand.

There are also plans for very beautiful bamboo huts for students who want to stay longer and live in a meditative and monastic atmosphere.


None as yet. The plan is to provide simple vegetarian meals and evenings, self-catering.

Medical Care

Through Ayudana hospital in the Sagaing hills (see Sitagu Intl. Buddhist Academy).